Il nostro modello è stato sviluppato e strutturato per rispondere a queste nuove esigenze e realizzare la costruzione e la crescita nel tempo di questa credibilità globale.


Any company pursues the final objective of creating profit and brand accreditation in the market.

  • PROFIT. Cost world thinking has paid for many years then, why think different? Because you cannot identify waste and cut waste, continuously. Traditionally, management has divided the organization into smaller, more manageable pieces for maximizing the performance of each part because global improvement is the sum of local improvements.
  • Ely Goldratt Theory of Constraints claims that a change to most of the variables in an organization will have only a small impact on the global performance – on the bottom line. There are very few variables, perhaps only one, where a significant improvement in local performance causes a significant improvement in global performance. Such a variable is called a constraint. Act on your core constraint and your organization will be free to increase profit immediately, in few weeks. We identify for you where are the costraint and we help to change. Hundreds of companies in the world, different in industry and size, show how this model work.
  • CREDIBILITY. As fast as you increase your profit, you need to build a stakeholder credibility of your brand, to maintain active and satisfied your relationship with each stakeholder. The game in the future will be to consolidate this relationship and fidelity. Each stakeholder must receive an uninterrupted confirmation about your brand value, essence, awareness, and so on, in any action, choice, decision, of each person of your company. To drive this behaviour we design an innovative Stakeholder Brand Coaching model.
For the market your company is your brand, and your brand is what's in any stakeholder mind is strong enough to impress any other stakeholder mind!

Firms aim to their success in the market focusing on manufacturing and marketing products and services, adopting premium price justified by quality and innovation, or lower price to be considered convenient.
Meanwhile, looking at their productivity, they are focusing on the maximization of the efficiency at every single department of the company. They think that doing so, the entire company will benefit from a rise in overall efficiency to ensure the growth of the profit. Why is not always the case?

According to The Theory of Constraints (TOC) of Ely Goldratt, we discover that in doing so, often company creates a situation that opens continuous internal conflicts. That generate deviations, and you know all the market is certainly not magnanimous in forgiving the mistakes of others.
These results constraint end to reduce the entire organization effort to make the profit even when we talk of success company.
Thanks to the Thinking Process due to TOC, we can act in the short to a tangible increase in profit even in your case.

But we believe that the increase in profit in the medium term, we must add a condition that is crucial for the long term, a consistent and growing credibility of the brand in time. Credibility is the only guarantee for continuing to rely on who buys. The credibility depends not only on awareness of the brand and its marketing mix, today the attention of stakeholders is much more attentive to the conduct of the company, in general, in his daily existence in the market. Research confirms what feels, wants to see in fact the real aspect of the company to which trust, therefore every person of the company is obliged to live this responsibility and to confirm what shall the Marca, in every action, namely: each person must feel and act as a true AMBASSADOR for the brand.
We have created The Stakeholder Brand Coaching model, just to ensure that every person, in time, knows how to act according to simple criteria homogeneous. People will be also supported in that by the company to continue to create Credibility.

A company's brand is the primary source of its competitive advantage and a valuable strategic asset"... "It is much easier to copy a product, than to duplicate an organization with unique values, people and programs. Aaker, 1996

The company own the brand, but the brand is just only what all the stakeholders tell and share their thought of it.

There is a sort of stakeholder “brand equity” that provides the true market reputation of the brand. Analysts know the intangible value of the brand, not depend on the achievement of a simple financial reputation. Have you ever paid attention to the social impact when you shooting a TVC? Or at the effect of such a metaphor and hyperbole used? At the use of greenwashing? And, what about your brand on social network?

Some possible small crack in the heart wall. It’s not only a question of reputation (we can measure it). It’s not only a question of your care and rapidity to mend it (we can help to do it). It’s a question of driving what your personnel do at any moment, to enlarge stakeholder brand equity.

The brand exists only if all people in the company beginning, from the top, to get "what the brand want to be" across to the market. (Philip Kotler)

Think about any product or service is used in the standard of your purchases. To which trade mark or brand you thought? The number of values and of assurances you gave to, depending on your experience.

Now, think to purchase a new product or service. Do you believe in its advertising or you will ask about to your friends, and you will check it also on the internet?

Nowadays credibility is the success of the brand, and credibility depends on this hidden “stakeholder reputation”. Stronger that the one of the advertising campaigns. It is a true and effective “stakeholder brand positioning”, it’s assigned by the various stakeholders by exchanging information and opinions in their networks of contact; and sometimes they only believe in that.

This “stakeholder brand positioning” is stronger strenght you have vs. competition. It’s true for the stakeholder and it drives their behaviour in buying and consumption, and last but not least, it drives the loyalty.
To measure this “stakeholder brand value” and to improve it, we have developed a dedicated audit, SBV AUDIT, according to a major research institute.
The sum of tangible and intangibile elements of your brand are nothing if all your stakeholder cannot talk well about it.

schema rivisto modello con intestazione

Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not changes his mind. Leonardo da Vinci

Brand Value Audit™: an audit multi-stakeholder that provides for detection of what are the values attributed to the Brand by the priority stakeholders, using the 7 Business Success Key Driver (BSKD). By this audit, we monitor and draw your Stakeholder Brand Positioning, and we will compare it to your competitor positioning.

Brand Positioning Building™: process to create a brand through the sharing and the implementation of the 7 BSKD and their actual presence and consistency in all the synergistic action of the brand company.

Brand CSR Strategy™*: the module provides the adoption of models used to standardize the results and make them comparable and usable in the market and suitable subjects, certification and reporting of sustainability (from those of Freeman and Porter ’till the ISO 26000) . The construction of a CSR assessment to highlight the risks and consequences for the reputation. The stakeholder map and the directions to drive the different patterns of relationship the identification of which kind of relation. The identification of needed CSR certifications and their implementation.

* with a specialized technical consulting team dedicated.

Brand Communication Strategy: development of the foundations of the communication strategy for the identification of:

  • the MUST to address the development of the creative process;
  • the main concept of communication (written a description of the theme to guide the copy and art realization);
  • the conditions to plan communication to the stakeholders including all activities to support the operation (relation-fidelity, a real presence on the web, brand & product experience and more)

Ingredient Brand Process™: this module includes a complete check up to discover if an innovative treatment, component or product, can become a future Ingredient brand and all the activities and the support to assist its go-to-market, including the selection of the partners, the economic assistance, and the IB License.

Brand Extension Solutions™:

  • product innovation;
  • market extension;
  • corporate brand innovation & extension.

Brand Spread & Experience Process™: a new way to be in the market through the design of a dedicated SYSTEM that involved all the different stakeholders.

The significant problems we face today can not be resolved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Einstein