Brand Value Audit™: an audit multi-stakeholder that provides for detection of what are the values attributed to the Brand by the priority stakeholders, using the 7 Business Success Key Driver (BSKD). By this audit, we monitor and draw your Stakeholder Brand Positioning, and we will compare it to your competitor positioning.

Brand Positioning Building™: process to create a brand through the sharing and the implementation of the 7 BSKD and their actual presence and consistency in all the synergistic action of the brand company.

Brand CSR Strategy™*: the module provides the adoption of models used to standardize the results and make them comparable and usable in the market and suitable subjects, certification and reporting of sustainability (from those of Freeman and Porter ’till the ISO 26000) . The construction of a CSR assessment to highlight the risks and consequences for the reputation. The stakeholder map and the directions to drive the different patterns of relationship the identification of which kind of relation. The identification of needed CSR certifications and their implementation.

* with a specialized technical consulting team dedicated.

Brand Communication Strategy: development of the foundations of the communication strategy for the identification of:

Ingredient Brand Process™: this module includes a complete check up to discover if an innovative treatment, component or product, can become a future Ingredient brand and all the activities and the support to assist its go-to-market, including the selection of the partners, the economic assistance, and the IB License.

Brand Extension Solutions™:

Brand Spread & Experience Process™: a new way to be in the market through the design of a dedicated SYSTEM that involved all the different stakeholders.